Exploring Niagara Falls

K and I flew into Buffalo, NY last week Thursday as our plan was to drive to Niagara Falls to see the American side and then cross the border to see the Canadian side of the falls. The rental car company upgraded our car to a brand new Jeep Wrangler because it had Ontario plates so they wanted to get it back over to Canada.

TBB Asks - Party Edition

Joining The Blended blog ladies today (a little late) for their August Summer Edition of TBB Asks.

1. Favorite Birthday Party as a Child?
I have vague memories of all my parties as a kid but one of my favorites pictures is from my 2nd birthday when I had golden curls and, of course, since I'm a December baby, the cake had Christmas colors.

Weekend: Neighborly Love

Since returning home from Canada on Monday night after many delays, it's been a bit of a struggle getting back into the swing of things especially since K left Tuesday morning for the whole week for work.

Hello From Canada

Yesterday was a little adventure for K and I. We flew into Buffalo, NY and rented a car to cross the border over to Canada for a weekend of family fun.

My Worst Pillow

K loves to fall victim to new "breakthrough" products advertised on TV.  Specifically the ones where you have to call now to get some sort of urgent deal, not products from good old faithful Target or Home Depot.

Have you seen the ads for MyPillow on TV? Advertised as "the most comfortable pillow you'll ever own". K immediately wanted one and told his Mom that's what he wanted for Christmas 2 years ago, especially since it was a BOGO deal so I would get one too.
Worst pillow ever and for $80 each!

Even with the BOGO "deal" making it $40 each, these are terrible quality pillows. I know everyone wants amazing sleep so the advertisement draws you in thinking "yes, this is the answer". Nope it isn't. I used the pillow for one night and told K they were all his. I think he realizes now they really aren't anything special.      

My favorite pillows are from Kohl's for under $15 and they are heavenly to sleep on!

As we're on this topic, K saw an Ad on TV for the World's Softest Pajamas and decided this would be a perfect Christmas gift that same year. For "only $80" he ordered this PJ set from Pajama Gram.

They are comfortable but by no means worth the price and are just as comfortable as PJ's I own from Target and Victoria's Secret. Also what's up with the cowlick neck?

I guess the ad's content appealed to men wanting to gift their significant other/family member PJs made out of "fabric that's as soft to the touch as a baby bunny and as luxurious against the skin as the finest cashmere...She'll love you for it." Nope, not worth the price!

That's all for today...

Water Sports and Sunshine

I'm looking like a lobster today but it was worth all the fun we had yesterday boating and wake boarding/wake surfing with friends. I shared some videos on SnapChat (emilyalisonb).

5 Recent Purchases - For Me

TGIF! It's been a while since I've managed to post on a Friday.

Other than all the random household and pet items I purchase from Amazon, I really haven't done much shopping for myself in the last few months.

Dresses From the Past

I've had this post sitting in my drafts since July of last year. It somehow slipped through the cracks and I forgot about it. Anyways, as much as I'm a jeans and cute top kind of girl, I love dresses for certain occasions. Since it's been a year from when this post was drafted, I've added a few more dresses to the list.

Weekending - Mid July

Rest, relaxation, some shopping and fun with friends pretty much sums up the weekend.

Back To The Basics

This is not a comparison review just an FYI that I've moved back to the Blogger commenting platform. I think both Disqus and Blogger have equally good features but I wasn't happy about losing all my comments since I started Martinis & Bikinis in 2012.

4th of July + Weekend Vibes

With the 4th of July falling on a Wednesday this year, going back to work on Thursday felt like Monday 2.0 but the saving grace was that Friday was just a day away.

With Freedom Comes Responsibility

Happy birthday America!

TBB Asks: Vacation Edition

Linking up a little late with The Blended Blog ladies because say the word "vacation" and I'm all on it. Traveling and exploring the world is definitely one of my passions.

Noteable 4th of July Sales

Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a great weekend. The emails for 4th July sales have been flooding in so these are a few of the deals I found from some of my favorite retailers. On an adulting note, we did have to bite the bullet over the weekend and buy a new washer and dryer from Home Depot while the sales last.

Interesting Finds: The Girly Edition

Happy Friday!

The work days this week seemed to drag on. Just when my body clock thought it was 4pm, the real clock said "Nope! we're only just approaching 2pm". Needless to say, I'm welcoming the weekend and hoping the weather plays nice so we can enjoy some outdoor fun. 

Gifts for the Bride on Her Wedding Day

I have a few weddings coming up this year so I've been shopping for the Brides-to-be and used some inspiration from my own wedding like this beautiful wedding dress hanger I found on Amazon.

World Cup Weekend

Who knew I would enjoy watching football (soccer) so much? I don't have a favorite team nor did I watch every game this weekend but the ones I did watch were intense, enthralling, and full of surprises.

So about the weekend...

Bubble Away The Impurities

I was lucky to be introduced to the belif Pore Cleaner Bubble Foam which was a new-to-me skincare line and product. What I love about this gel-to-foam wash-off mask is that works for any skin type whether you have oily, dry or combination skin.

Lido Key Beach: Anniversary #8

Wishing the weekend was longer so we could have celebrated our wedding anniversary for more than one night at the beautiful Lido Beach Resort.