The weekend was glorious. I got to catch up on some R&R and enjoy the beautiful warm weather. It feels like Summer already in Florida during the day but I'm liking the cool Spring nights.
The weekend started off with a little happy hour after work with one of my girl friends. Nothing beats some refreshing Mojitos and some girl time catching up on life and such.
One of K's friends came into town with his pup for the weekend and stayed with us on Friday night. When I got home from my little happy hour, the guys went out to grab dinner and I stayed home puppy sitting Lola and her new friend, Soda. Thankfully they got along great and wore each other out playing for hours.
Saturday morning was perfectly relaxing catching up on some blogging and a few shows on TV. I headed out for my massage appointment which was much needed for this achy back of mine and got a few errands done afterwards.
On Saturday night we watched the movie Gringo: The Dangerous Life of John McAfee which was pretty interesting even though it didn't have the best ratings. I'm always intrigued by crazy, real-life stories like this one.
On Sunday I slept in until about 10am. Glorious! I then got dolled up to meet up with another girl friend for lunch but she wasn't feeling well so I convinced K to go out for a quick bite and so he could watch some sports. Baseball is boring as hell so I had fun trying out all the fun SnapChat filters.
We only stayed out for an hour or so and then got into our swimsuits to enjoy some sunshine by the pool. The weather was hot, hot, hot - like 90 degrees - so we didn't last too long out there but still got some good Vitamin D and hopefully some color with SPF 50's approval.
Joining my girl
Biana for her Weekending linkup.