Touring Key West

The view of the port in Key West from the cruise ship.

Even with the overcast weather, Key West was a blast to explore. We had no excursions or tours booked. All we knew is that we wanted to visit Duval Street, grab some local seafood for lunch, and then make our way to the Southernmost Point. The typical tourist things.

Cruising - Royal Caribbean Majesty of the Seas

The Royal Caribbean cruise we recently went on left from Tampa and stopped in Key West and then Cuba before heading back to Florida. The Majesty of the Seas is not one of the fancier ships but it has a great pool area for lounging and enough amenities to enjoy while on board.

Long Weekend Rain and Some Shine

Since our return from the Cuba cruise on Wednesday last week, we were in need of a low key weekend to relax and get stuff done around the house. Plus with the weather forecasted to be rainy all weekend, we kept our plans at minimum.

30 Random Facts About Me

Happy Friday!

I'm back from our cruise and recovering from vacation mode. That's a thing right? Needing a vacation after your vacation? At least the weekend is near and will give me some time get back into my routine and also get all my photos from the trip organized. I got some great shots in Cuba and can't wait to share.

Still Weekending

From Orlando to Tampa on Saturday, cruising to Key West on Sunday, and arriving in Cuba this morning for a full day of new adventures.

I'm still weekending over here with limited access to internet. Feels good to unplug and relax.

Cruising Outfit Inspiration: Key West and Cuba

image via

Our cruise to Cuba is finally on the horizon after being cancelled due to Hurricane Irma back in September last year. The weather forecast isn't looking great but I'm praying it's not accurate as it's been the past few weekends.  These are some outfit ideas for the trip to hopefully prevent me from over-packing but I can't make any promises there.

10 Essentials For Your Work Desk

Of course organization is key when it comes to setting up your workspace so I'm sure some of these desk essentials are obvious but there are still a few things always needed depending on your work environment.

Mother's Day Weekend

After a long day of work on Friday, I came home to some fresh Lilies and a card from Lola for Mother's Day. Such a sweet surprise.

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all my Mama friends!

Enjoy your day!

xo Emily

Pineapple Delight: Cute Home Decor

How sweet it is to be Friday!

Just like I have this fascination with starfish which represents serenity/peace, I think pineapples represent hospitality/friendship because of the sweetness it brings.

May Days

 I love seeing all the new flowers blooming around town. We don't have blue bonnets like Texas but I love these purple flowers, whatever they're called. My garden needs some work in the flower department which I should have done this weekend.

Playing Tourist in Houston

I had a blast visiting friends and exploring Houston last month. We didn't do any of the real touristy things like museums or aquariums but more checked out the local scene with a few stops to see some sites unique to Houston like the Water Wall.

Friends and Frosés

The weather played nice this weekend so Kate and I finally got to meet up with the husbands and babies in tote. Baby Fashionista loves dogs so she had blast playing with Lola.

Friday Funday: Q&A

 Happy Friday!

I started my new job this week so I apologize for being MIA while I try to figure out how to balance work, life & blogging.

Oh, Weather Man

I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend even with the weather all over the place. Orlando was forecasted to be rainy ALL weekend which it was here and there but the Weather Man was wrong. We got some good rays of sunshine which is a shame because we had fun plans for Saturday with Kate but decided to reschedule because of the weather.

Travel Carry On Essentials

Happy Friday!

So I think only Kate knows this life update but I'm starting a new job on Monday! I'm super excited about it because it's a career advancement with better benefits and overall work environment. I'm definitely going to miss my coworkers but, when an opportunity like this falls in your lap, it was a sign to move on and upwards.

With that being said, I've done a little weekend travel before things get busy. Most recently was my trip to Houston which I posted about on Wednesday.  

Houston: The Food & Bar Scene

We packed so much into my Houston trip last weekend, I decided break it up into a few posts focusing on different adventures so this one doesn't turn into a 10-page essay. Today I'm sharing the restaurants, bars, and breweries we visited.

Houston Weekend Highlights

I caught a last minute flight to Houston on Thursday to visit friends and they were amazing tour guides driving me around to see all the city has to offer. We packed so much in over the weekend but I got home around midnight last night so I'm doing a quick recap with one picture per day.

Hello Houston!

It was a last minute decision to fly to Houston for the weekend to visit a lifelong friend who is now 7 months pregnant. This is my first time visiting anywhere in Texas so I'm excited to explore Houston and get some quality time with my girl friend.

I'll catch you all next week. Have a great weekend everyone!