Hammock Beach Resort

Vacationing at Hammock Beach Resort a few weekends ago was a retreat of a lifetime! It was luxurious, relaxing, fun with coworkers/friends, and all around an experience that exceeded my expectations.

Easy Sweet & Sour Chicken Recipe

It's been a while since I shared a recipe. I usually aim for quick and easy meals that take under 30 minutes or can cook itself in the crockpot.

Weekend Flow

The weekend was a relaxing one. I was either sleeping, lounging at the pool, or working on some projects on my computer. I did venture out on Sunday for a few hours which was much needed!

Friday Faves

Yes it is "Friday the 13th" but I've never bought into all the superstition, maybe because I'm biased. My birthday is December 13th and, when it falls on a Friday, I think of it as good luck day.
It's all about turning lemons into lemonade, or even better, a margarita!

Mermaid Halloween Costume & Colorful Mermaid Wigs

It's been many years since I purchased a Halloween costume but this year I decided to be a little festive and pull together a mermaid costume with Disney's Little Mermaid as an inspiration.

Weekend Scenes

I'm still "weekending" today since it's a bank holiday and my company treated all employees and family to a little beach getaway over the weekend in Palm Coast, Florida.

Fall Home Decorating

Fall decorating has been in full swing the last few weeks and it's finally all coming together. I already had a couple pieces of outdoor Halloween decor but nothing for Fall/Thanksgiving since we usually spend Thanksgiving with K's family. This year is going to be a little different.

Recent Amazon Purchases

Another round of my random Amazon purchases because that's where you go to find everything and Prime free 2-day shipping is just so convenient. I shared a similar post a couple months ago because I find it funny looking through my order history to see the random selection of purchases I've made recently.

Mini Hair Straightener 1/2-Inch

Football, Fall Decorating & a Food Festival

Lots of relaxing on Friday night into Saturday morning then we were off to get some groceries and errands done before stopping off at Rock & Brews for a couple hours to have lunch and watch football.

Cute Gift Ideas - The Lady Edition

One thing I love the most is celebrating special occasions with friends and family - birthdays, weddings, baby showers, engagements, you name it! I used to be a horrible gift-shopper until Amazon entered my life.

Wedding Photo Gallery Wall

In our previous home, I designed a much larger scale black and white photo gallery wall in our living room hallway which included more than just wedding photos.

Life Lately - Fall Edition

Fall is officially here although there's no sign of it in Florida. I did get a little taste of it in New York City last weekend with all the pretty Fall foliage in Central Park.

Fun Times in New York City

So I took a very spur of the moment trip to NYC last weekend. When your husband is traveling for work and you find round-trip flights for $170...SOLD! I was supposed to fly out on Thursday afternoon but after many delays the plane finally left Orlando at 10:30pm and I arrived at the hotel around 1am.

Festival Style

Weekend in NYC

Good morning! Hope everyone enjoyed the weekend. 

If you follow me on Instagram or Snapchat (emilyalisonb), you might have seen that I was in NYC over the weekend.

Fun in Florals

After riding out Hurricane Irma, which hit us in Central Florida on Sunday through Monday, and then having to go back to work on Tuesday (while schools were out all and most businesses were closed), I've been a bit of nervous wreck over here. Driving while lights are out at major intersections and debris everywhere is a hazardous commute. There are so many reports of people losing their lives in the aftermath due to stupid and/or accidental mistakes on the road, with generators powering their homes, and you name it. I'm just happy Friday is here because I really need to lighten the mood around here with some fun in the fashion department.

I found this cute little floral number and wore it out to Kate's Birthday Brunch a few weekends ago.

Irma Update: After The Storm

We are safe and sound. Thank you to all my thoughtful blogger friends who reached out over the weekend to make sure we were safe.

Hurricane Irma Weekend

We spent the weekend bracing ourselves for Hurricane Irma. I got out of work early on Friday to get supplies and be fully prepared for the hurricane. Most of the weekend was spent securing our home, setting up a safe room, prepping food, doing laundry, and making sure all electronics were charged up in anticipation of losing power.

We spent all of Sunday indoors at home just waiting for the storm to hit.

Hurricane Irma devastated several Caribbean islands last week and made her way to Florida over the weekend. At the time of writing this on Friday night, the National Hurricane Center predicted Irma will hit Central Florida on Sunday with approximately 100 mph winds as a category 1 to 2 Hurricane.

August 2017 Recap

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If you've been watching the news, you probably already know that Hurricane Irma is heading her way to Florida. We are as prepared as can be with food, water, and other supplies but you just never know how strong it will be.