Still Weekending in Charleston

What a beautiful city Charleston is. K and I spent the past few days exploring the history, food, and bar scene.

My First Stitch Fix Review

I finally caved and signed up for Stitch Fix using a promo code sent by a friend. I received my first Stitch Fix box earlier this month and, while I liked some of the items, I definitely wasn't in love with most.

Birthday & Christmas Wishlist

It's that time of the year that I get to wish for all the things. I realize the trip to Charleston next weekend is actually my true birthday gift as K and I choose to travel for our birthdays to experience new places and create memories, which is priceless but still comes at a cost.

Random Life Lately

Blogging has been a little spotty for me recently as I've had very little to say. I have been busy studying for some Google business certifications that are useful for my job and starting a small business on the side, which I will share more details when it's finally launched.

Thanksgiving Long Weekend

I loved every minute of the 4-day weekend and managed to take zero photos of the Thanksgiving spread except for some desserts which my SIL's dog ended up getting into.

Bloggers, Bubbles and Blowouts

Last week Kate and I attended a fun little blogger/influencer meetup hosted by Mikaela and Cherry Blow Dry Bar in Orlando. They really put together a great event for us to get pampered with blowouts, bubbles, and cute goodies to take home.

Amazon Deals for Health & Home

It's been a struggle to get in more than 1 or 2 blog posts a week recently. I can't even blame it on the holidays. As a Prime member, I do love to find good deals on Amazon especially for repeat purchases.

Always Celebrate

The highlight of the weekend was celebrating JQ's birthday on Sunday and getting to catch up with friends.

Martinis & Bikinis 6th Anniversary

I can't believe it's been 6 years since I started Martinis & Bikinis to talk about my life and share things I love. Never did I imagine meeting all of you amazing gals along the way.

Forgetful Me

I should probably be ashamed of some of the foolish/forgetful things I've done and/or continue to do. I will chock some of it up to being human but I often joke about having the memory of an 80+ year old and you'll probably think the same after reading this post.

Friendsgiving and Giving Thanks

The weekend was a great one. Lots of self care and pampering, a little online shopping/browsing for holiday gifts, and a fun Friendsgiving dinner to cap off the weekend.

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!

Fall Corn Maze Adventures

Super fun Saturday with friends and their kiddos getting lost in a corn maze. It only took me 34 years to finally experience this fun Fall tradition, and we had a blast navigating through the maze mostly with little Max leading the way.

Home Decor: Modern Style with Functional Design

If you travel quite a bit, you've probably noticed the growing trend with hotels incorporating USB charging plugs into lamps or outlets on the wall. This is the direction modern decor is taking to accommodate for technology and having to charge your phone on-the-go.

Life Lately + Giveaway

Since the weekend was pretty uneventful (which I'm not complaining about), I thought I'd check in with a life lately update.

Party Supplies from the Dollar Store

I love party planning, often on a tight budget. If there's one thing I love about the Dollar Store is that they have a great selection of party supplies for every occasion.

Elephants For Strength: Gift Guide

I recently read an article about ancient lore and the symbolism of different animals. It said that the elephant came to Earth to teach us about true strength and loyalty. They are extremely strong animals but gentle nature, never using their power to harm others.

Solving Personal Hair Care Struggles + Giveaway

I was contacted by Formulate, a new personal care brand, to test their customized shampoo and conditioner formulas that are created by their chemists specifically for your hair type and needs. The company's concept is very unique and a new-to-me experience. I was all onboard since my hair is not as easy to maintain as it may look.

Friday Faves

Happy Friday everyone!

My work life has been crazy for the last two months coordinating a huge conference happening next week. Considering our corporate is in Australia, the time difference has sometimes consumed my nights to coordinate with the team over there, instead of blogging which I only find time to do at night or weekends.