Friday Faves

Yesterday's temps were the lowest it's been since 2010 in Central FL so we're feeling frosty around here and need all the warm clothes to bundle up.  Luckily I prepared early when I found some great sales on cute winter gear which arrived just in time!

Winter Style

Home For The Holidays

The weekend was extremely low-key around here after returning from vacation so I'm diving right into my travel recaps this week sharing some highlights from our trip to Trinidad & Tobago.

Friday's Fave - The "Coolest" Thing in Skincare

I've never tried a tightening gel or firming treatment of any kind so Kate Somerville's Tight'N Cryogenic Tightening Gel couldn't have come at a better time as I approach my mid-30s and the fine lines have started to appear around my eyes and forehead area.

The Man Behind The Blog: Impromptu Q&A

A friend of mine posted this Q&A on social media and I thought it would be fun to share it on my blog since I've never done a Q&A with K before.  It was also the perfect way to pass the time on our 2.5 hour drive from West Palm Beach to Orlando over the weekend.