Friday Favorites & Fun

Happy Friday everyone!
1. Soo I won my first sweepstakes yesterday! A $50 gift card to Bonefish Grill (my fave restaurant!) arrived unexpectedly in the mail. I forgot I even entered the contest!

2. Loving that the weather has dropped about 30 degrees today from yesterday so I can bring out my long sleeves and boots. It's Florida so still not freezing yet.

3. My company is hosting a cocktail hour this evening and taking us to a Star Wars convention. While I've never seen any of the movies and know nothing about the characters, I'm always down for a good cocktail!

4. Looking forward to my Sat morning Yoga session to relax my mind after a long week.

5. Three more weeks until I fly home to Trinidad for Carnival to parade on the streets in a beautiful costume. Also looking forward to spending time with my parents and friends!

Linking up Lauren for High Five For Friday and joining in on the Aloha Friday Blog Hop.

PhotobucketAloha Friday Blog Hop

Have a great weekend!

Wedding Wednesday: Selling My Stuff

I'm finally getting around to parting ways with some of my wedding stuff including my veil, jewelry and various other items. 

I wanted to find out what wedding websites/classifieds everyone used to sell their wedding dress and/or other wedding stuff? Preferably sites that do not charge a fee.

I've also decided to sell my dress which I got cleaned and preserved after our wedding. 

I also have lots of other random wedding decor including a "B" Mongrammed cake topper which looked lovely on our cake. 

And also a beautiful "I Do" wedding hanger which is a cute idea for photos. 

Linking up with Mary @ A Happy Wife in New Orleans for the Wedding Wednesday Linkup.
A Happy Wife in New Orleans

I'm curious to find out if there are any good wedding "marketplaces" online other than resorting to eBay or even Craigslist. Suggestions are welcome!

Back to the Grind

Another fun yet relaxing, sunny, football-filled weekend!

My weekend included some shopping at the VS semi-annual sale. I picked up a comfy sleep tee for $16.

on Saturday K came home with these BRIGHT pink gardening gloves from Home Depot. I think he wants me to help out more in the garden. Meh! While I fully support the cause, I'm slightly embarrassed to be seen by the neighbors. 

 Later we enjoyed some S'mores ~ the vodka kind ~ while watching football.

On Sunday we cooked a big breakfast at home and then headed out to pick up my car from getting tinted (pictures to come).

Later we met up with some friends at a sports bar to watch playoff football. Good times!

After drinking beer & watching New England win, I whipped together a Grilled Chicken & Avocado Salad for dinner and we called it a night! Work on Monday morning comes way too quickly :-/

Linking up for the Weekend Update Blog Hop hosted by Sami and co-hosted by Leeann.

Have a great week!

High Five for Friday :-)

Sooo happy the weekend is almost here and I can sleep in for the next two days. Waking up early has never been my forte :-P

Linking up with Lauren for H54F.

1. Excited for date night tonight at Bonefish Grill (my fave). The Bang Bang shrimp is the bomb!

2. Getting my front windows tinted for FREE tomorrow on my new car. I'm pretty proud of my negotiating skillz. lol

3. Love the necklace with my birthstone that I got for Christmas from my MIL. 

4. K and I are thinking of driving out to the beach this weekend. It's January!! Sooo why not? If we don't make it out there, you can catch me poolside with a frozen drink.

5. Victoria Secret's Semi-Annual Sale is going on right now and they've got some sweet deals on swimsuits, bras etc... Tempting!

Also linking up for That Friday Blog Hop hosted by Rebecca and Chrissy.
Let Them Eat Cake
Have a great weekend!

Trinidad Carnival Countdown!

I'm heading home this year to celebrate one of the biggest street parades and what we call "The Greatest Show on Earth" -  Trinidad Carnival!

Carnival takes place in February every year and people dress up in fancy costumes and party on the streets for 2 days dancing to local music. You can read more here.

Tomorrow will be exactly 1 month til I fly home to see my friends & family so the excitement has kicked in!! The costume that I'm signed up with is called Diable Melasse. 

As you can see the costumes are very skimpy so I've been trying to get my fitness on and eat healthy so I can not only feel good in the costume but also SURVIVE 2 days of partying in Trinidad's blazing hot sun.

 My workout program has been Zumba, Yoga, Body Works & Abs classes in an attempt to achieve my "costume bod" ;-)

I've been also seeking out some healthy recipes to experiment with. I tried Helen's Winter Vegetable Soup recipe this past weekend because it looked yummy. She posted the recipe on her blog last week and it was delicious and filling.

I'm also linking up with Helene and Emily for Tell Me About It Tuesday.

Newlywed Moments

What 2013 adventures are you counting down to?

Happy Friday: The Nail Files

Happy Friday everyone!

I ran across the Nail Files Linkup today and thought it would be fun to join in. 2012 was really my year of experimenting with different color combinations and funky styles.

Linking up with Tara and Vicki for The Nail Files.

I think my favorite was black nails with hot pink on my ring finger.

I also had sparkly nails for Christmas and NYE.

 BUT I recently removed the gel and polish to give my nails a breather so this is what I've been rocking for 2013 so far :-(

I'm already itching to try one of these styles I found on Pinterest for 2013. 

 Have a great weekend!

Tell Me About It Tuesday: NYE Fun

Today feels like a Sunday (Meh!) but I'm welcoming 2013 with open arms... and some curiosity. 2012 treated me good and since 13 is my lucky number, I think this will also be a great year.
I bought these 2013 champagne glasses for K and I to use when we pop the champagne at midnight.
K and I started off NYE night by going out for Sushi dinner.

We then went to a friend's house party to ring in 2013. 
I wore my sparkly skirt, black blazer and boots.
We had a great time celebrating with friends and several jello shots were enjoyed!

I'm curious to see what 2013 has in store for me. According to a cheesy horoscope I read, my new year will be marked by: FRIENDS, SUCCESS & INTELLIGENCE. That's alright with me!! 
I'm also linking up with Helene for Tell Me About It Tuesday.
Helene in Between 
I hope you have a great 2013!