Showing posts with label Cheshire Kate. Show all posts

Share The Love: Kat's Selfie Tips

I love the idea of Pamela's new Share The Love linkup so I wanted join her today and feature another blogger's post that I enjoyed reading. Kerri from Cheshire Kat is not only a great artist but also writes really fun and creative posts and is an in real life friend of mine who's a blast to hang out with and enjoy some laughs & drinks.

A Little Glitter

She recently posted some Selfie tips that I thought were super helpful so go check out her post and learn a thing or two. Selfies are one thing I still haven't mastered and rarely post on my blog or social media. I mean, I have posted them before say right after a hair appointment when I was having one of those "I feel beautiful" moments but overall I suck at taking selfies. Or maybe I just don't like photos taken so close up to my face? Anyways, I think Kerri convinced me to give it another shot and maybe just maybe I'll post more selfies in the future.

Here's the link if you want to check out her Art Shop.

Happy Tuesday!