Weekend Fun & a Fairytale Bridal Shower

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Mine was relaxing which was much-needed before the crazy holidays begin. Friday night was date night at Cooper's Hawk Winery which has amazing food and great wine. 

On Saturday, I went to the hairdresser to get my hair done. 

I did some online Christmas shopping on Saturday night (so much for waiting until Cyber Monday) and we watched the movie Tammy, which was hilarious. Melissa McCarthy always cracks me up. It was a nice relaxing night at home.

 I went to a friend's bridal shower which was a fun time with the ladies, laughing and playing bridal games.

How was your weekend?

Joining Biana for Weekending and Leeann for Monday Morning Gossip.  


  1. I'm getting my hair done today, such an wonderful feeling, right?

    Looks like a fun shower!

  2. Oh my gosh, I've been trying so hard to wait for Thanksgiving sales/cyber Monday as well and.... it's not really working out for me, ha!
    What a fun bridal shower! Sounds like a great weekend!!

  3. Yeah I have pretty much done all of my christmas shopping (even some for me...) and I wanted to wait for the sales, oh well. the bridal shower looks so fun!

  4. I love Cooper's Hawk! So good! And you just reminded me I really need to get my hair done before Christmas... hmm. I also need to get a start on my Christmas shopping. Happy Monday!!

    <3, Pamela

  5. I watched Tammy the other night and laughed throughout the entire movie!

  6. I want to see that movie! She is always hilarious! And those shrimp look amazing! Sounds like a great weekend - what a pretty shower!


  7. You've reminded me how badly I need to get my hair done (it's been since July!), definitely scheduling an appointment before all the holiday parties!

    So jealous of your relaxing weekend, I feel like I need to catch my breath from all the running around. Loved seeing you ladies at the shower and of course the champs :)

  8. I desperately need to get my hair done. What a fun bridal shower!

  9. Your dinner Friday night looked amazing - that shrimp appetizer - YUM! Sounds like a perfect weekend - we were on the fence about watching Tammy - but now we might have to!! Hope you have a great Monday!! xo

  10. What a nice weekend! That shrimp looks delicious! And such a sweet bridal shower!

  11. What a fun weekend! That bridal shower looks like so much fun - I love the theme! I would definitely have head straight to the mimosa bar ;)

  12. Thanks for reminding me I desperately need a haircut. Love the mimosa bar, so cute.

  13. I love leaving with new hair and spending time with my stylist, who is a long-time friend, but I hate the time suck that is the salon.

    I liked Tammy too!

  14. Sounds like a very nice weekend! Quiet and calm weekends in are very welcome before the fun and craziness that are the holidays:)


  15. Good for you for getting some shopping done early!! I think I'm going to do the same before the crowds get even worse!

  16. Yay for bridal showers!!!! What a fun weekend! I went to one this weekend too!

  17. Looks like a really fun weekend!!!
    Melanie @ meandmr.com
