Q&A About Me

Yesterday I posted Steph's Q&A so I figured I'd answer the same questions about myself today to share with all you out there. Just in case you wanted to know!

Trinidad, West Indies (Caribbean)

Current location:
Central Florida (moved to Florida when I was 18)

I don't live in San Fran as my profile photo above may suggest. Just love traveling and exploring different places. 

Online Marketing/Account Manager for a Tech company.

Favorite mentor/idol of the past or present: 
My late grandmother (granny) for showing our family unconditional love and always being supportive of me. I've also always loved Bob Marley, Mother Theresa and Mahatma Ghandi for their inspirational lives and the marks they left on history for different reasons. 

Quote that represent your mentality:
To keep things simple and a quote I've always turned to many times throughout my life: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

What's your dream vacation if you were loaded?
My travel bucket list is never-ending but I'd love either a busy city trip exploring all the major cities/countries in Europe or going across the Pacific Ocean to the luxurious islands of Bora Bora in Tahiti and relaxing in paradise.
Image via French Seams 
Image via Tahiti Vacations

Husband ~ likes & quirks:
K is a very sincere and kind hearted person who wears his heart on his shoulder (which can also be a quirk when it comes to football season and his team is losing). 

Favorite season:
We don't go real seasons here but I love warm, sunny weather however Florida in the summer can be uncomfortably hot so leaning toward Fall when it cools off a bit but still warm enough to be outdoors.

What does your name mean?
I never looked this up before but Emily means to strive or excel, which makes sense and is something I find important in my personal and professional life. 

What items do you own that hold sentimental value to you?
My late grandmother's earrings along with some of her crystal and silverware that I inherited when she passed. I also have my baby book and several photo albums from throughout the years that hold a lot of memories.

What do you wish for when you blow out your birthday candles or does it change every year?
Every year I wish for another year of health and happiness and often also wish for success in my career path.

Thanks for reading through some facts about me. More random info about yours truly can be found on my About Me page.

Is it the weekend yet?


  1. Loved reading this! And picturing K getting very vibrant during football games lol :)

  2. Bora Bora has always sounded amazing! Loved reading more about you!


  3. Had no idea you were born in the Caribbean! Love posts like this :) Hope you have a fab day!

    tattered to taylored

  4. How cool that you were born in Trinidad!!! I absolutely love what you wish for on your birthdays!!! Loved getting to know you a bit better and I'm with you - traveling is the best!

  5. Bora Bora sounds fabulous right about now! Some of my favorite possessions are my grandmother's that I inherited as well.

  6. We definitely have the same travel goals! And I have no idea you were born in the Caribbean! How cool!

  7. Great questions! We both have strong grandmother ties!

    Sign me up for Paris (all of Europe, but your pic drove me there) and Tahiti.

  8. I would love to go to Bora Bora, the water looks amazing. To strive and excel is a good quality.

  9. That's so cool that you were born in Trinidad! I am also dreaming of a trip to Bora Bora. Hopefully someday. :)

  10. i love your answers - i normally wish for a happy and healthy year each birthday as well. if i had unlimited money and time i'd be on a plane to europe & bora bora in a heartbeat!

  11. Love this!!! And take me with you to Paris or Bora Bora! ;) And I wish we got seasons... I guess I won't complain since we got to see the sun today!

    <3, Pamela

  12. I loved reading your answers and learning a bit more about you!

  13. I want to go back to Europe too! And I'll take any island vacation anywhere. I don't think we are going to get too much of the 'seasons' here either, but I'll take what I can get.

  14. So cool reading these! You need to have K do a 'man behind the blog' post!
