Showing posts with label Pulse Nightclub. Show all posts

Pulse Orlando Memorial

Over the holidays while my sister was in Orlando visiting we went to the Pulse Nightclub which is now a memorial site to honor the memory of the 49 victims killed in one of the deadliest mass shootings in US history. The City of Orlando recently announced that they are purchasing the property to turn it into an official memorial site.

Here are some photos of what the site currently looks like and I plan to return when it is transformed into an official memorial.



 It was a senseless and sad attack against the LGBT community and way too close to home for us who live in Orlando. I myself have been to the nightclub twice before in the past and it was such a fun place to enjoy a night out on the town. We need more love and less hate in this world!

The latest news this week is that Omar Mateen's widow has been arrested for obstruction of justice and aiding and abetting Mateen's support to ISIS.