Showing posts with label Disney. Show all posts

A Throwback Valentine's at Disney

Happy Valentine's day! Or Valium-times day, as I used to call it. Either name works around here.

I'm just happy to be able to spend V-day this year with K as I was traveling last year while he was at home.

We usually avoid restaurants like the plague on V-day but I went ahead and booked us reservations for a popular seafood restaurant in town. Friday nights are our night to eat out and I have some gift cards that need to be used so we will just have to tackle the crowds this year. After cooking and eating at home all week, I love nothing more than having someone else cook & do the dishes for me.

Our best Valentine's yet was 2 years ago when we spent the day at Disney (using tickets we got as a Christmas gift).

We started at Hollywood Studios and went on the Tower of Terror ride which drops about 15 floors. (I'm getting too old for this shit)

Then went to Epcot to drink around the world ~ beer in Germany, wine in France, sake in Japan, and the list goes on. By the time you make it to the end of the "world" you have a huge nice little buzz going.  Epcot is my absolute favorite Disney Park and I'm hoping to go back this year.

Everything was fun and games until the sun went down and the temperature dropped a million degrees forcing me to buy a f-ugly Hello Kitty pajama/sweater thingy.

We stayed the night at a Disney hotel to avoid driving after our "international array" of drinks at Epcot. The next day we went for lunch on Disney's Boardwalk before heading home from our little stay-cation.

Not sure we'll ever be able to top this V-day so it's one for the books. This year is going to be more of a dinner & movie kind of night which I'm perfectly happy with.

What are your V-day/weekend plans?

Joining Helene and Sarah today for the Valentine's Linkup.
Helene in Between 

Have a great weekend everyone!!

Let The Holiday Parties Begin

Happy Friday!
 Luckily I got the day off from work today because last night was my company Holiday party at Disney. Nothing's better than another long weekend after Thanksgiving last weekend. This is seriously why I LOVE the holidays!

We stayed overnight at a Disney resort after the holiday party last night...
 ~ Pretty Christmas tree in our hotel
~ View of the resort from our room
~ Mickey Mouse dessert at the party
~ K and I at the company dinner
~ Dueling pianos during dinner
~ Group photo of work friends
~ Fireworks at Epcot
~ The girls getting ready to go on a ride
~ Hilarious pic of us on the Test Track ride at Epcot

Have a great weekend everyone!

Disney Pt 1: Epcot & Animal Kingdom

Joining Helene today for another week of Travel Tuesdays.

Thought I'd share some of our Disney adventures from my two favorite parks - Epcot and Animal Kingdom - from a few summers ago. We happened to go during Epcot's Flower & Garden festival so that explains all the fancy character scrubs!

The pub in England - Epcot, Orlando FL.

 At Animal Kingdom we went on the Everest roller coaster which is one of the better Disney rides.

And went on the African Safari along with a few other small rides.
I love Disney but the lines and wait times are insane so we end up skipping out some of the rides.  Ah well, fun times!

That's all for this week's travel Tuesday!!
Helene in Between