Returning to the Cold + TBB Asks

Good morning friends! It's been a while since I've been able to connect with the blogging world. If you follow my blog or even social media (Instagram or SnapChat: emilyalisonb), you probably saw that I flew into Trinidad for Christmas and didn't return until this past Friday.

Happy New Year!

I Hope You Dance

2017 Year Recap: September - December

Sharing the last part of my 2017 Adventures series.

Here's Part one and Part Two, which were both action packed with travel, celebrations, and fun with family/friends.

2017 Year Recap: May - August

I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday on Monday and got to spend time with your loved ones. I shared Part One of my 2017 Adventures last week so here goes Part Two...

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

xo Emily