Sometimes I Do Stupid Sh*t

Does anyone else get a shitload of spam comments? There's this Anonymous person/s that spams the crap out of my blog and so this week I decided to start deleting the 2,000+ comments that had racked up over the past few months from this spammer. 

Except I hit the wrong button and deleted about 100 recent comments from my actual readers and friends. I feel like a total clutz and I don't think there's any way to reverse it now. This includes all the comments on my giveaway which is currently running. I am mortified!

So first off, go F yourself spammer...

And secondly, I'm so sorry for those that commented on the giveaway and other posts, which have now been deleted accidentally. Rafflecopter will still pick a winner randomly for the giveaway on Wednesday 11th June.

Does anyone know how to prevent or block said spamming?

It's been so time consuming & annoying deleting all the email notifications from these "Anonymous" junk comments. Hope your Friday is going much better!


  1. You can put the captcha back on so that people have to use captcha when commenting which might limit some of the spammers but I don't know if that would completely get rid of them :-/ You could also block comments by anonymous users so if they don't have an account they can't comment. Hope this helps!! Good luck!

    <3, Pamela

  2. I am not sure you can ever get rid of it completely but can you block their email or IP address. I am in Wordpress so I am not sure about blogger.

  3. Oh boy thats crazy 2000 emails form a spammer? Id go crazy! I really dont even know what to tell you to do but I will say dont worry about the 100 comments though Im sure everyone will understand.

  4. OH NO... That cannot be good! Bless your heart..

  5. OMG! That would be so annoying. The only thing I can say is turn off anonymous posting. Spammers seem to get so much worse hiding behind an anon user. I turned that off on all my blogs.

  6. Oh no! I used to get spam comments, so I just turned off anonymous comments altogether. Stupid spammers!

  7. Ugh that's awful, I'm sorry hun! I used to get a bunch of spam anonymous comments as well, and turned off the ability for anonymous commenters to be able to comment. Hopefully that'll help!

  8. You can also set to not allow anonymous comments. And I've totally deleted real comments in my pending folder.

  9. Oh nooo that's such a bummer! I don't let anonymous commenters write on my blog which seems to be working well.
