Happy Friday Everyone!

It's finally here!

It's not going to be the most relaxing weekend for me since we're still fixing our house after the flood last week but I'm looking forward to some birthday celebrations and dinner with friends.

1. Last weekend in St Pete beach. One of my favorite bars on the beach called Jimmy B's.

2. Sweating it out in the sauna at LA Fitness.

3. Picked out wood floors to start the renovations (we chose the color on the far left).

4. Asian Chopped chicken salad from Crispers is delicious!

5. I caved and ordered strawberry cheesecake. This and wine has helped me deal with our gutted house from the flood ;-)

Joining Lauren for H54F and Darcie for Five on Friday.
 photo H54Fbutton-1_zpsa7aaa665.pngTHE GOOD LIFE BLOG

If you haven't done so already, hop on over and join Kate's 30th Birthday Giveaway for a chance to win a ton of fun prizes.

Enjoy tha weekend!


  1. I am a firm believer that wine and cheesecake can fix almost anything ;)

  2. I love crispers!! It's so delicious, but we don't have any in ny. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Never heard of Crispers but that salad looks delicious!

    Zauni | The Kind Side
