Memorial Weekend Sunshine & Festivities

What a fun weekend with beautiful weather here in FL! It's obviously never long enough and going back to work is like torture but at least we made lots of good memories :-)

On Friday night, K and I did our usual dinner and date night so we went to see the Hangover 3. We both thought it was funny and worth seeing in the cinema although the first Hangover is probably still the best of the three.

On Saturday we went to a friend's birthday BBQ & pool party, which was lots of fun with tons of good food, desserts, dancing and cold drinks. Roxy the English bulldog was a great host ;-)

On Sunday a group of friends headed out to the beach which was packed full of people. I guess everyone else had the same idea as us but either way, I was just happy to finally get to lay out and relax near the water.
  On Sunday, K and I did some errands and then went to our neighborhood pool to enjoy the final hours of our long weekend. We drank some mini bud lights and grilled steak kabobs to celebrate Memorial Day!

How did you spend your memorial weekend?

Linking up with Sami for Weekend Shenanigans.
Sami's Shenanigans

Happy Tuesday! 


  1. ahh beach days are the best!! your lucky to live in Florida! We didnt have such nice weather up here in Minnesota. Oh well!

    Found you via the link up and now a new follower :)


  2. Wow!! I wish I got to spend my weekend like you!! Looks like you had a lot of fun!! And Kabobs are my favorite!!


    P.S. Having a giveaway today!! Make sure to stop by!!

  3. Haha Roxy was the hostess with the most-ess!

    Still upset we missed out on the beach with you guys :-P

  4. Here from the link-up!
    I immediately loved the picture of Roxy, so cute!
    I went to the movies this weekend too, but I saw Great Gatsby. Glad you like the new Hangover! I'm still deciding whether it will be worth seeing in theaters or not.

  5. Went to see the hangover this weekend too and agree that it was worth seeing in theater but the first is still better. Sounds like an awesome weekend! I wish we got half the amount of sun that you did!

    Found you through Kristin at Hopelessly Ever After's Liebster Award post :)
